Tips for Successful Co-Parenting
A couple plays with a small child by swinging them by the hands
A main concern for divorced or separated parents is creating a co-parenting schedule that works year 'round, through school schedules, breaks in the school year, special events, holidays, birthdays, vacations, and more. A good co-parenting schedule can alleviate the stress and tension of navigating schedules with careful planning and organizing, as well as some compromise along the way. If you need help creating a co-parenting schedule that works for you and your child's other parent as well as your children, our network of dedicated, experienced family law attorneys can help you prepare for meetings to create a co-parenting schedule that protects your rights, outlines responsibilities of all involved, and helps you plan and organize a co-parenting plan. Learn more about all the benefits of becoming a member of our Legal Protection Plans for Individuals and Families, and read on for some tips for creating a co-parenting plan that will work for you.
Communication Is Key
Working together with your child's other parent will be crucial to creating a co-parenting plan that works for everyone. Start the discussions about co-parenting early in the process, making lists of important yearly dates for each of you, vacation times if you know them, how to handle school breaks, and more. Consider creating a shared calendar where events and other important happenings can be noted, as well as any other important scheduling (such as school drop off and pick up).
Respect & Compassion
Agreeing not to speak poorly of the other parent and show respect - especially in front of your children - is extremely important to co-parenting your child. Be willing to compromise, show compassion, and be understanding when things don't go as planned. Every decision you make around your child will impact them.
Be Willing To Revisit The Co-Parenting Plan
Situations change and kids grow up, and, as those things happen - and they will! - be willing to come back to the negotiating table and make changes to the co-parenting plan that will make everyone's lives easier. Be willing to adapt to your child's changing schedules, extra curricular activities, interests, and hobbies, as well.
Calendars Are Important Tools
Technology allows us to now have digital calendars that can be shared and edited by anyone in the group, and these are a great way to keep everyone in the loop regarding plans. Making a hard copy to keep in each home isn't a bad idea, either, particularly if you or your family isn't tech savvy.
Agree On House Rules
Children need consistency, and one of the most important areas where things need to be consistent is house rules. These rules can run the gamut from when it is appropriate to watch TV or browse the Internet, time limits on video games and related activities, how and when homework needs to be done, and more. Being lenient with the rules can cause stress in the children and be problematic in both households, as one parent may be seen as "more strict" than the other if the rules aren't enforced consistently in both homes.
Big Picture
In the end, the most important thing is to make your time with your children as stress-free as possible so that you can make treasured memories with your children while you're together instead of focusing on annoyances, slights, or irritations from the other parent, which only causes resentment and isn't productive. Try to make your time with your child about spending time with them first and foremost; the time goes by too quickly!
If you need advice or assistance with creating a co-parenting plan, custody issues, visitation, or child support, the family law attorneys in our network of law firms across the US and Canada can help! Getting advice from a legal professional whenever you're dealing with issues surrounding your children is of the utmost importance, and you can get advice tailored to your specific situation for no additional fee when you become a member of our Legal protection Plans for Individuals & Families.