Tips To Protect Yourself From Auto Theft
A tightly framed picture of blue lights atop a police car.
There has been a dramatic uptick in auto thefts across the country recently, and, while automakers are planning roll outs this fall of security kits to reduce the risk, there are a few additional things you can do to prevent being the victim of car theft. Here are a few tips to protect your car:
Lock It Up
It might seem like it should go without saying, but a basic defense system is to make sure that your car is locked whenever you leave it. Locking your valuables in the trunk or center console and away from prying eyes and then locking your car will make your vehicle less desirable to thieves looking to make a quick buck on online sales sites or the pawn shop with your belongings.
Take Valuable Items With You
Items that can be pawned or sold make cars a target for thieves, so make sure that your valuables are hidden from view in the trunk, console, glove box, or under the seat before you leave and lock your car, or take them with you when you leave your car.
Choose A Well-Lit Parking Spot
If it is at all possible, try to choose a parking spot that is well lit and in full view of the public. Thieves don't want to draw attention to themselves or be seen, so they are more likely to choose a target that is in a darker area and away from view of the public. Even better, choose a spot that has security cameras.
Alarm System
Though audible alarms systems have been around for a long time, experts still say that they are one of the best deterrents for preventing car theft. If your car didn't come with one, consider having one installed that makes a loud noise if your car is broken in to.
Never Leave Your Key Fob Behind
If your car has a push-button or remote starter, make sure you always take your key fob with you. Never leave it in the car.
Consider An Immobilizer System
An immobilizer is a kind of anti-theft technology using computer chips in the car that recognize a certain coded key. This prevents your car from being hot wired.
A more high-tech solution is a tracking system - also sometimes called a Vehicle Recovery System or VRS - and it uses GPS technology to track the movements of an object, such as your vehicle. Police may be able to find the thief quicker with this information if your car does get stolen.
Your attorney through our Legal Protection Plans for Individuals and Families can give you more information about auto safety and theft, and give you advice about what to do if your car is broken in to or stolen, all for one low, monthly price! Learn more about all the benefits of membership or sign up today!