What Is Predatory Towing?
Looking up at buildings in a city from street level; a tow away zone sign is prominent in the foreground to the left
Imagine finishing up after a long day at work, walking to your car and finding that your vehicle is missing. A note left in the parking spot tells you that it has been towed. But you haven't done anything wrong: you park in that same spot every day. Cases of predatory towing are on the rise and recorded instances of predatory towing reached an all-time high last year. In Colorado, there have been numerous reports of predatory towing, where towing companies have been accused of targeting vehicles with expired license plates during the pandemic, at a time when renewal offices were closed and state agencies had instituted deferments for licenses until offices reopened. They also targeted mobile home parks and lower income communities and low-income housing and apartments, targeting those most vulnerable. While there are predatory businesses all the time, the pandemic and tough times in general has ratcheted up the number of these kinds of shady companies, eager to seize on any money-making opportunity that they can, even if it means taking advantage of innocent people. If you’ve been towed when you’ve done nothing wrong or been the victim of a predatory towing scam, your attorney through our legal protection subscription plans for individuals and families will be able to give you advice and help you through the next steps. Read on to learn more about how you can protect yourself from this predatory practice.
So how can you protect yourself? What are your rights?
Uncertainty about your rights can mean that you don't take the necessary steps to fight the companies and their reasons for towing your vehicle. State and local laws can vary, but there are some common tips:
If you were parked on private property, check for signs stating that the area is private. If there is no sign, you may have a defense; however, some states - like Washington State - allow for cars to be towed from private property even if there is no sign stating that parking is prohibited. Signs that mark private property and prohibit parking should also have the name and number of the towing company printed on it.
You have the right to collect possessions from your car. You will be asked to prove that you are the owner of the car, usually by comparing your driver's license to the car's registration that is kept in the car.
Most states require towing companies to accept debit and credit card payments and not just cash, but check with your local laws to make sure this is the case in your area.
If you've been towed and you're certain that the towing company is in the wrong based on the situation and local laws, here's what you should do next:
Document the scene by taking photos of your car, any nearby signs regarding parking rules , and the surrounding area. If the towing company damaged your car, document that, as well.
Keep records and receipts. If you paid a parking meter or kiosk, keep the receipt as proof and photograph it, too, just in case.
Contact the local authorities and file a report.
In these situations, an experienced attorney will be able to walk you through the process of correcting the situation and our legal subscription plans for individuals and families gives you access to qualified attorneys 24/7 for just $29.95 per month, basically paying for itself the first time you use it. You will be able to talk to your attorney about the specific towing laws in your state, county, and/or city, and your lawyer can help you protect your rights throughout the process. You will also be able to talk to your attorney about an unlimited number of topics ranging from disputes, consumer finance, family law, and much more, all for one low, monthly fee. Learn more about the benefits of our legal subscription plans or sign up now!