Natural Disaster Preparedness
A fireman during a disaster points to the left.
Wildfires in the West, hurricanes in the South and North East, and tornadoes throughout the Midwestern United States this year have brought home the importance of being as prepared as possible for a natural disaster. Natural disasters can threaten any of us at any time, and it is critical to be prepared. Having an emergency plan is essential, and having your paperwork for ownership of assets, insurance, and other items is something on emergency lists that may get overlooked. Our network attorneys can help you get your legal issues in order to prepare for a natural disaster, or help you negotiate with insurance companies if the worst should happen. Learn more about our legal subscription plans, and read on for a few important tips for natural disaster preparedness:
Make An Emergency Plan
Decide where your family will evacuate to if you need to leave your home and make those arrangements. Include arrangements for pets and livestock. Make a list of what you will need to bring, including clothing, hygiene items, important documents, medications, pet carriers (if needed), identification, and some emergency food and water. Take photographs of important belongings for insurance purposes, and store those photos on a USB drive in a safe place where you can access it even if your home is damaged or destroyed, such as in a safety deposit box off site, or in a fireproof and waterproof box you can take with you in the event of an evacuation.
Review Your Insurance Policy
Examine your current policy and coverage (including renter's insurance, if applicable) and make sure you have appropriate coverage in the event of a natural disaster. If you are a renter, make sure your policy is up-to-date, as your landlord's insurance policy won't cover your personal belongings. Make sure you fully understand the terms of your policy, and go over those terms with your attorney if you need further explanation.
Store Essential Documents
Gather all of your essential personal documents to store in a safe place. This includes insurance policies, passports and other identification, Social Security cards and numbers, birth certificates, titles, deeds, wills, and other important documents. Invest in a portable fireproof and waterproof safe or box to store them in so you can take them with you if you have to evacuate, or consider getting a safety deposit box.
If You Have Warning of an Impending Natural Disaster in Your Area
Pack your emergency items, as outlined above
Make sure your car has a full tank of gas
Verify your evacuation arrangements
Make arrangements for your pets and livestock
After a Natural Disaster
Responding to Damage
Document damage with photographs before you do anything else. These pictures will be invaluable as you work with your insurance company. Don't throw anything away until your insurance company has cleared you to do so. Discuss repairs with your insurance company, and, before hiring any contractors, make sure to talk to your insurance and utility providers. Before hiring a contractor, make sure to have your attorney look over the contract before you sign it.
Communicate With Your Bank and Utilities
Ensure that your bank(s), utilities, and other places where you have accounts know about your situation. Document your conversations with them. Discuss the possibility of late payments. File for disaster relief as soon as possible. If you have any issues, contact your provider attorney for assistance dealing with companies and other organizations and governments.
Hundreds of thousands of people nationwide are facing natural disasters right now. Our hearts go out to the families suffering. Natural disasters can strike anywhere at any time, and being prepared is the best thing you can do to not only put your mind at ease in case the worst should happen, but to also get you through any disaster that might effect you, including wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and more. Learn more about the services of our legal subscription plans, or sign up today.