Why Regular People Need Legal Protection
Close up of a person’s hands as they sign a contract.
Life is chaotic, and you never know when an issue with legal implications could arise. Legal situations happen all throughout our lives - from the mundane, such as having your will drawn up, to emergency situations, such as being sued - and having legal protection in your pocket (literally!) can relieve stress and give you peace of mind that you're prepared for whatever life might throw at you. While having a lawyer on retainer is usually an expense that most people do without, with our legal subscription plans, you can have an attorney at the ready no matter what happens.
Having a lawyer on retainer can be expensive. Typically, this entails paying an attorney a lump sum of money to be at the ready if you have legal issues. You reserve a lawyer's availability to serve you if you need legal assistance, and the lawyer considers your retainer a deposit on the legal fees as they work on your case(s). As we mentioned earlier, this kind of legal protection is typically out of most household budgets, and attorney fees can be hundreds of dollars per hour and use up your retainer deposit very quickly.
With our legal protection plans, you pay one low, monthly fee and have access to qualified, dedicated, experienced attorneys from our network of law firms across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Our legal subscription plans are affordable, on-demand legal services and our partnerships with leading law firms means that our members get legal advice and representation at a lower cost.
Our legal protection plans cover consultations and representation in a wide range of legal matters that are important to individuals and families as well as small businesses. Everyone will eventually have some kind of legal issue, and our plans cover:
Residential loans
Auto accidents
Speeding tickets and other traffic violations
Wills, living wills, and estate planning
Name changes
Divorce, separation, and support
Child custody, visitation, and support
Powers of attorney
Trial defense in civil lawsuits*
Taxes and audits
Consumer finance issues
Contracts and agreements
And more
And, as a member of our legal protection subscription plans, you will also be able to:
Speak with an attorney on an unlimited number of legal issues
Have your attorney make calls and write letters on your behalf
Have your lawyer review documents, contracts, and agreements
Have your attorney write or draft documents, contracts, agreements, and filings
Have your whole family who lives with you covered for the same fee, including pre-existing issues
Cancel at any time with no penalty
Our legal plans give you access to an on-call network of attorneys familiar with the laws of your state, and with our handy app, you literally have a lawyer in your back pocket! Legal fees can add up quickly, but with our legal subscription plans, you're covered for almost every situation for just one low, monthly fee. The service pays for itself the very first time you use it, and you are able to create an estate plan - including a will, advance directives, trusts, and more - at no additional charge once you sign up. Learn more about our subscription plans for individuals and families or sign up now! You won't regret it!
*Trial defense is not available in all states. Contact us about limitations based on your state of residence.
Legal Advice for Pet Owners
A blonde dog sit in a chair next to someone typing on a laptop.
Pets bring us so much joy and fun, and, occasionally, headaches, too. While most problems with pets are no big deal, there are a few times where problems with pets can lead to legal issues. If you need help with a legal issue surrounding your pet, as a member of our legal subscription plans, you can call your provider attorney and get advice, get answers to an unlimited number of questions, and more, all for one low, monthly fee. In the meantime, here are some tips for pet owners:
Maintain Control of Your Pet At All Times
You may be legally responsible for damage caused by your pet, especially if your pet has a history of biting humans, attacking other pets, or having an aggressive demeanor. You may also be responsible if your pet damages property, including scratching or denting cars.
Follow Your Local Pet Laws
Know if your locality has a leash law and follow it. Make sure you understand the requirements of any leash laws, any required pet tags or licenses, and inoculations. Complying with local pet laws can help you avoid citations and/or appearances in court.
Understand Your Local Pet Nuisance Laws
If there are pet nuisance laws where you live, it is important that you understand them and what they require of pet owners. Nuisance laws can include excessive noise, cleaning up after your pets, and making sure your pet doesn't dig or otherwise damage neighboring properties. By knowing and following these laws, you can avoid fines, court, and disputes with your neighbors.
Know Your Local Laws About Breeding
If you intend to breed your pets, make sure you know and understand the local laws about breeding. These laws can vary widely between localities so it is important to check into these laws, especially if you're moving to a new area.
Know Your Pet-Related Lease Terms
If you are renting a home or apartment, you should review the terms of your rental contract or lease in regards to your pets. Some terms included in leases and rental agreements regarding pets often include security deposits for pets, limits to the number of pets you can have on premises, limits on the weight of animals, restrictions on the type or kind of pets, and more. Make sure that you know these terms before you sign or before you adopt a pet. If you live where there is a homeowners' association, you may need to review the terms of that agreement, too, making sure you understand the rules and bylaws of the HOA in regards to pets.
Know What Your Pet Insurance Covers
Read through all the terms and conditions of your pet insurance policy to make sure that all your areas of concern are covered by your policy. Discuss your coverage with your vet and make sure that your policy covers your pet's issues and the costs associated with caring for your pet. Your provider attorney can also review your insurance policy and contracts at no additional fee as long as you're a member of our legal subscription plans.
When There's A Disagreement Involving Your Pet
Remain calm and stay rational during any disagreement about a pet, whether you're the pet owner or have been injured by someone else's pet. It is important to deal with the issue in a calm, civil manner as disputes involving pets can often become emotional and escalate quickly.
If you have questions or concerns about legal issues surrounding pet ownership, your provider attorney is available to answer your questions and give advice on an unlimited number of topics as long as you're a member. For one low, monthly fee, you can contact your attorney for advice on contracts, policies, and the law and put your mind at ease. Learn more about our legal subscription plans for families and individuals or sign up today!