Adult Legal Guardianship - What It Is & Why It's Needed
An older gentleman and a younger man sit at a table looking at a tablet while a woman stands behind them with a phone in her hand
It's a difficult situation when a loved one can no longer take care of themselves and their needs, but legal guardianship can help. Legal guardianship is a legal process where a loved one petitions the court for permission to act on another person's behalf, usually a loved one who cannot make decisions or care for themselves on their own. This can be a minor, or an adult who is elderly, infirm, or incapacitated. The legal guardianship process will name a third party caregiver for the person - also called a ward - to ensure that the person's financial and physical needs are met. If you need to establish guardianship for an adult or minor, your attorney through our Legal protection Subscription Plans for Individuals & Families will be able to help. Learn more about all the benefits of membership, and read on for an overview of guardianship.
Laws governing guardianship vary by state, but, in general, the person petitioning for adult guardianship for a loved one chooses the type and kind of oversight needed, including financial decisions, medical decisions, personal decisions, or all of the above. When the person placed under guardianship is under the age of 18, there is generally a natural end date for this type of guardianship; however, when the ward is an adult, the oversight may continue for the rest of a person's life.
Adult guardianship is a way to protect elderly or incapacitated adults who may not be making sound decisions, such as financial decisions or dangerous activities. The legal process for petitioning for adult guardianship begins by filing paperwork with the court that shows the need for someone to have a loved one make important legal decisions about their life, health, and finances. Showing the necessity for guardianship when the person in question is a minor is typically easier to determine. These reasons include:
A minor has lost both parents
One or both parents are ill or otherwise cannot provide care
One or both parents are incarcerated
One or both parents are deployed with the military
One or both parents cannot care for the child for another reason
When the person needing guardianship is a legal adult, the process can be a bit more difficult and take considerably more time. Emergency guardianship for an adult can be put in place quickly if you can prove the person needs immediate medical help that they are not seeking themselves, in cases of exploitation or abuse, or if you can document another pressing need for guardianship. Your attorney can review your documentation and give advice regarding your specific case to help you determine whether the courts are likely to grant emergency guardianship based on the facts you provide. Emergency guardianship is generally only granted in extreme cases where the person in question is unable to care for themselves and are in extreme and immediate danger and when there are no alternatives to alleviate the situation.
The legal process for granting adult guardianship will name a guardian - sometimes called a conservator - and this person will be responsible for overseeing the person's personal, medical, and/or financial affairs and decisions. In some cases, more than one person is named as a guardian, and the person chosen for this responsibility should be taken very seriously, as this person will be ensuring the person:
Remains safe from fraud, abuse, and neglect
Maintains a high quality of life
Is protected from exploitation, financial or otherwise
Receives needed medical care and treatments
Your loved one's specific situation may allow for alternatives to adult guardianship, including:
Financial Power of Attorney
Medical Power of Attorney
Trusts and Living Wills
Other community-based solutions
Guardianship cases are generally filed in county probate courts, and your lawyer will be able to advise you on the appropriate venue for filing. This is typically the county and state where the person currently lives, regardless of where the potential caregiver currently resides or where the ward will reside if and when guardianship is granted.
Some guardianship cases require a court appearance, but the process varies from state-to-state and even between counties in the same state. Generally, there will be a number of forms and documents to fill out, sign, and file with the appropriate court. This will include information about the ward, about the caregiver, about the ward's condition and medical history, and possibly, other steps that have been taken to alleviate the situation prior to seeking adult guardianship. The petitioner for guardianship can expect to answer a number of questions explaining the need for guardianship, and these may include information about the person(s) who will be guardians and medical information about your loved one's current condition demonstrating the need for a guardian, among other information and documentation, depending on your specific case and the laws of the court where you are filing.
It isn't always possible to restore the rights of a person after they have been placed in a guardianship, as most guardianships for adults are put in place due to debilitating conditions or progressive diseases such as Alzheimer's or dementia. In many cases, particularly in cases of elderly wards, the guardianship ends when the ward passes away. However, there have been cases of wards who recovered from the situations or conditions that required the guardianship, and their rights can be restored once they are again capable of caring for themselves. The guardianship system has protocols in place to check on the progress to review and assess progress and stability, to determine if the guardian is still needed or if the ward's interests and needs are being met.
Some states have annual check-ins and you will want to keep records of expenses and receipts of what is spent from the ward's accounts.
If your loved one needs assistance managing the tasks of everyday for their own health and safety, seeking guardianship may be a solution. It is important that you consult with a qualified, dedicated elder law attorney to explore all possible solutions for your situation, and our network of attorneys through our Legal Protection Subscription Plans for Individuals & Families lets you speak with an experienced attorney for just one low, monthly fee. Learn more about the benefits of membership or sign up today!
August is National "Make a Will" Month - Create Yours Now!
A couple looks at paperwork
To make your estate planning process easier, we're running a special that lets you create your will with a dedicated, experienced estate planning attorney for just $299.40! Most law offices charge thousands of dollars for just this service, but you can not only get your estate planning done for one low fee, you will also get a year's worth of service from our individuals and families legal subscription plan! You will have the peace of mind of knowing that your will is complete, legal, and ready with the help of our network of attorneys as well as being able to have your attorney look over other documents, help you with consumer finance issues, settle disputes, and much more! Take a look at the list of services available to our individuals and families legal plan subscribers at this link.
Summer is a great time to cross items off your "to-do" list, and, while making out your will might seem like more of a chore than a fun summer activity, creating your will doesn't have to be complicated, difficult, or expensive, and, no matter where you are in your estate planning, there are things you can do right now to save you time and money, and to spare legal hassles for your loved ones in the future.
Organize your thoughts and create a draft of your wishes
It isn't just wealthy, elderly persons with mansions who need a will; age and income are irrelevant when it comes to who needs to have a will. Your will doesn't need to be a lengthy, intimidating legal document. If you own assets or have children, a will is one of the most important documents you need to have. Make a list of your assets - such as bank accounts, houses, vehicles, even pets - and to whom you'd like them to go. Start thinking about trustworthy individuals you can appoint to important roles in your will. Thinking about financial and health care powers of attorney and to whom you would want to make those decisions on your behalf is a good idea at this phase, too.
Have Contingency Plans
As you select important roles for loved ones carrying out your final wishes - such executor of your will, who has your power of attorney, who will have custody of your children, if you have any - think about second and third options in the event that something happens to your first choices down the road. These aren't fun things to think about, but taking care of them now will make a stressful situation less complicated in the future.
When you become a subscriber to our legal subscription plans, drafting your will is easy, and you know that it will be enforceable in your state of residence, as you will get to work with attorneys who know how estate law is applied in your state. Since laws governing wills, estates, and probate vary from state to state, it is invaluable to have a legal professional in your corner when drafting your will.
From our app, sign in and click "Start Will." Fill out the short questionnaire and an attorney in your area will get in touch to go over your answers. From there, your attorney will prepare your will for your review in as little as five business days. You will have the opportunity to make changes and finalize the document. Once filed, keep your copy in a safe, secure, accessible place. Your will also comes with a Living Will (also known as a healthcare directive) and Financial Directive (durable power of attorney) to put your mind at ease.
As your life changes, you may need to update your will, such as if you have children, get married, get divorced, buy a house, and more. Continuing to stay on as a legal plan subscriber gives you access to update your will whenever you need to at no additional charge. Learn more about our estate planning services here or you can sign up today!