Protect Packages from Porch Pirates
A close up of someone picking a package up off a doormat on a porch
Millions of people shop online everyday, but statistics show that the prevalence of thieves who steal deliveries from doorsteps - colloquially known as "porch pirates" - has gone up alongside the rise in online shopping. These opportunistic thieves cruise neighborhoods looking for unattended packages to purloin, and, once stolen, it may feel like there is little you can do to get your money or your purchase back. Your attorney through your membership in our Legal Protection Subscription Plans for Individuals & Families can help you by going over purchasing agreements with the business you ordered from as well as the delivery company to go over any refund clauses to make sure they're holding up their end of the bargain so you may get refunded if your purchases ever get stolen from your porch. Learn more about all the benefits of membership and read on for a few tips on preventing porch piracy.
Have a locked receptacle on your porch where delivery drivers can put your packages
Require a signature from someone in your household to accept all deliveries
Have packages sent to and kept at the Post Office until you pick them up
Install security cameras
Have packages delivered to your work
Maintain a Post Office box where you can collect deliveries
Don't take risks and confront package thieves. A physical altercation with a thief can - believe it or not - put you at risk for being responsible if the thief is injured on your property. Your attorney through our Legal Protection Plans for Individuals & Families can go over purchasing and delivery agreements with you so you can better understand your rights and responsibilities - as well as the responsibilities of the seller and the delivery company - when it comes to thieves stealing your deliveries. Learn more about all the benefits of membership or sign up today!